Weekly Inspiration: Jill Bolte Taylor

A while back, I was exploring the TED app looking for a good video, when I found one of my biggest inspirations for pursuing a career in science, Jill Bolte Taylor.

"When we are being compassionate, we consider another's circumstance with love rather than judgement... To be compassionate is to move into the right here, right now with an open heart consciousness and a willingness to be supportive.”  - Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey

I first heard Taylor's story in her TED talk, My stroke of insight. I noted how she spoke so eloquently and descriptively, and so I yearned to learn more. Taylor, a neuroanatomist, writes in her book, My Stroke of Insight, about her experience having a stroke. After reading her book, I felt I had a much better grasp on how to handle stroke patients, such as my grandfather.

Additionally, Taylor mentioned her time serving on the Board of Directors of NAMI, or the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Given how mental and physical health are so deeply intertwined and seeing how prevalent it is in my fellow classmates, foundations such as NAMI help to give me solace.

Jill Bolte Taylor serves as an incredible role model to any aspiring scientist due to her relentlessness and courage. She also is an advocate for a mindful way of life in which we truly care and listen to each other. Taylor, in my mind, is the epitome of what it means to LOVE science and the human brain. She has dedicated her whole life to furthering our knowledge of the brain and of conditions like schizophrenia by sacrificing so much of her time and energy into research and advocacy.

Individuals like Taylor inspire me to pursue a career in science... who inspires you?

Until next time, wishing you the best!


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