About Kelly

Hi! My name is Kelly Schenk and I am a Junior at the University of Pittsburgh. I'm majoring in Anthropology with a minors in Neuroscience and Philosophy.

In the Summer of 2017, I served as a Senior Counselor for Keystone Girls State, a camp in which girls going into their senior year of high school learn about state government politics. I currently serve as the Vice Dean overseeing business related functions of Keystone Girls State.

I formerly interned with the non-profit Girls Empowered, Inc. where I assisted in community outreach and program coordination, bolstering young girl's self-confidence, self-care, and leadership skills. I currently write independent programming for young women (ages 9-13) specializing in multi-cultural learning and cultural conscientiousness.

I currently (Fall of 2017!) am traveling throughout the Himalayan Mountains, India to study anthropology for a semester.

I am President and Founder of Pitt's Girl Up (an United Nations Foundation program aimed at helping girls in developing countries), a chairwoman of the Girl Up Pennsylvania Coalition, a member of Soroptimist International, and a member of CHAARG (a women's health and empowerment organization). I love lifting, running, trying new foods, and going hiking!

When I am in the United States, I work a job I LOVE at J.Crew as a Stylist. I formerly was a Prom Consultant, and am attracted to fashion/cosmetic business and managerial work.

In the next few years, I hope to enter Global Health Epidemiology while still actively advocating for women's rights (and hopefully working in sales in some capacity as well... #discounts!). My passion truly is people - I also hope to research stress and disease development/public health, launch my own company, and dabble in political reform.

Basically, throw me where people are, and I'll be happy!

This blog is dedicated to different things here or there: maybe some food, a couple trips, definitely women's rights, and maybe some college tidbits. Thanks for your support!


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