About Kelly
In the Summer of 2017, I served as a Senior Counselor for Keystone Girls State, a camp in which girls going into their senior year of high school learn about state government politics. I currently serve as the Vice Dean overseeing business related functions of Keystone Girls State.
I formerly interned with the non-profit Girls Empowered, Inc. where I assisted in community outreach and program coordination, bolstering young girl's self-confidence, self-care, and leadership skills. I currently write independent programming for young women (ages 9-13) specializing in multi-cultural learning and cultural conscientiousness.
I currently (Fall of 2017!) am traveling throughout the Himalayan Mountains, India to study anthropology for a semester.
I am President and Founder of Pitt's Girl Up (an United Nations Foundation program aimed at helping girls in developing countries), a chairwoman of the Girl Up Pennsylvania Coalition, a member of Soroptimist International, and a member of CHAARG (a women's health and empowerment organization). I love lifting, running, trying new foods, and going hiking!
When I am in the United States, I work a job I LOVE at J.Crew as a Stylist. I formerly was a Prom Consultant, and am attracted to fashion/cosmetic business and managerial work.
In the next few years, I hope to enter Global Health Epidemiology while still actively advocating for women's rights (and hopefully working in sales in some capacity as well... #discounts!). My passion truly is people - I also hope to research stress and disease development/public health, launch my own company, and dabble in political reform.
Basically, throw me where people are, and I'll be happy!
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