Adventure Is Out There: My Bucket List

Before my last summer session ended, I was feeling SUPER drained. All I wanted to do was to go home, curl up on my couch with my cat, and binge watch Law and Order while eating lo mein (that still sounds positively dreamy). But on Monday, August 1st, I had two laboratory reports due, a project due, a final exam only five days away... I knew I needed motivation, and fast.

I had a mental bucket list running for a couple years now, but I finally got the change to write them down. These are my goals to complete by the end of my life (as transcribed from my journal):

(1) Be content with myself.
(2) Spend time with good friends.
(3) Visit Europe: Prague, Versailles, and Bremen.
(4) Visit Africa: the Nile River, the Pyramids.
(5) Have sushi in Japan with Zach.
(6) Go to China with Eddy.
(7) Learn another language.
(8) Have another sleepover with Catty.
(9) Meditate with monks in Thailand.
(10) Run a marathon.
(11) Learn to fly a plane.
(12) Be on Jeopardy.
(13) Perform surgery.
(14) Have a family of my own.

I always have talked about going to see so many places - i.e. Europe (especially to see Versailles, which my European History teacher spent an entire class lauding over when I was in high school), Africa (mainly to see the pyramids and the Nile River). I dreamed of doing so many things, a lot of which tie into spending time with my friends and traveling to get food (shout out to Eddy, Zach, and Catty!). I would imagine being able to do all these things and would even start planning them, but then would subsequently forget these seemingly farfetched plans as soon as classes would get more difficult or assignments would be due.

Documenting my bucket list was honestly the most perfect way of recapitulating my goals and keeping myself motivated. I really recommend anyone who is overly ambitious (like myself) do this. Because when studying for that final comes around, the motivation to study becomes a little easier when you remember how one or more goals can happen WHEN you pass your exam (a little extra optimism goes a long way). I use the rest of my journal to write about stuff as it happens to document it, too.

I hope to accomplish some of my bucket list goals this year, especially the ones involving Europe. But until I head back for Fall semester in eight days, you can find me curled up on my couch with my cat and binge watching Law and Order while eating lo mein. Every body needs a break sometimes, right?

Wishing you the best!


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